Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reading Assessments

Had a Lisa Delpit moment yesterday when finishing up "running records" using the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project materials. I read the "Level N" introduction to Jonathan: "In this story, Brian and Josh are trying to teach Josh's dog named Arful to think like a cat. In this scene, the boys have gotten together at Josh's house. Please read aloud the first section. When you get to the line, you may read the rest silently--"

Jonathan interrupts, "If I want to? So I don't have to read past the line!"

I say, "No, you have to read the whole thing. Let's fix that: When you get to the line, read the rest silently. When you're finished reading, I'll ask you--you have to tell me--what you read."

Oh, clearly articulated expectations.

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