Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Seen, overheard, etc.

Huge Obama sign on the back of a waste removal truck on Fulton.

On the marquee at a storefront church down the block from Gorilla Coffee, in Park Slope: CROSSOVER YOUTH MINISTRY: MAKING JESUS FAMOUS.

Lady standing next to the chain link fence outside the Williamsburg Projects, talking on her cell phone, smoking, her kid (maybe five) next to her waiting impatiently. Her hair is all done up nice, and she's wearing a short very hairy jacket, maybe rabbit fur, with a big fluffy collar. She's also wearing those navy blue polyester uniform pants that are never flattering. She might be a security guard, or crossing guard. On her, the pants are really tight but oddly high-waisted, and the whole look is slightly discombobulated but still fabulous in a "so there" kind of way.

Text from Lauren: "Overheard: I said hey man I'm not gonna be a physicist I'm gonna be a PHYSICIAN."

Text from Gerry: "In e village. Mother with child named Gerry threatens to hit him in the face. Gerry is cute clearly. But bad mother."

Text to Rachel last year: "New game at IS 364: boys punching each other in the genital area, aka the 'johnny.' Known as Bang Cock, or as one kid explained, the capital of JAPAN!"

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